Our unit prices vary with the number you order and the format of the ordered item.
If your wish to buy bags with print, the prices also depend on which technology is applied in your case. We use flex print for larger quantities (10.000+) and digital overprint for smaller quantities (up to 10.000).
Get a quick indicative price for smaller quantities with print
For smaller quantities produced by means of digital overprint, the price is the same– no matter the number of print colors. Generally, smaller bags are cheaper, while the larger sizes cost more.
Contact us directly for prices related to larger quantities of printed paper bags
Find prices for unprinted bags in our webshop
We also offer unprinted bags in predefined quantities. You can buy and finc prices via our webshop or contact us directly. The bags are packed in boxes or strapped bundles. The fixed quantities vary from 150 to 600 and depend on the size of the bag.
If you prefer to stamp your bags by yourself, please observe that we cooperate with ТРОДАТ ПЕЧАТ ГРАВЕР .
Buy our bags unprinted, bring your pay evidence to ТРОДАТ ПЕЧАТ ГРАВЕР and you will get a 10% discount on your paper bag stamp.